
Friday, November 26, 2010

dying young

I've been watching repeats of some HK movies on TV.  It's quite sad that most of the times, at least one or two actors/actresses are dead.  Sometimes, 2 out  of 3 main actors.  Though dying young, they were good at what they did, really good, by Asian standard.

Rouge -- both of them died

This is just one of the many examples.  Well, good example from Hollywood, The Dark Knight -- Heath Ledger, I only watched this move in a cinema after he died... felt so so so strange.

I'm sure everyone knows at lease one star like that... an unforgettable one, that will always live in his/her work.

They were once, very very shiny stars and they, are simply irreplaceable. 
It's like, the more they shine, the more their early death weighs...

I don't know, just want to say that they change how a movie should look, or meant knowing that they are already dead whilst I'm watching it.  hmm...

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