Went to the Hong Kong Christmas Bookfest 2010 on Christmas eve. Bought some books of course and then I spotted a counter that sells Logitech mouse and stuff. It wasn't the mouse or keyboard that caught my eyes. It was the Kanvus products that caught my eyes. I have been looking at similar products for quite some time now and found that the better quality ones are usually quite pricey. This one wasn't quite as expensive.
I tested it a bit and it was not bad! It was on sale as well. The sales assistant introduced the Kanvus Life 106 to me as I'm not a hardcore graphic designer (actually not a graphic designer at all!!), and I just like to paint, so this should be perfect for me.
Yes, I bought it. For less than HK$800 I even got a set of 6 colour markers as gift! hahahaha! So I got it home but I didn't want to open it until after Christmas. So I waited... anxiously...
Then it was Tuesday, when I got to stay home on my own. I took it out and set it up.
This is the first painting that I painted. Just scribbling and practicing... but I like it so it's here.
And this morning, again, I'm on my own. So I sat down, and played with my new toy again (mind you, I'm not a man or a child but I do love to play!)
And this is what I got...
my first "water colour" painting in a long long time!
It feels really weird painting without having to use paper and real colour and you can "undo" your dabs!! I'm not sure if I would grow to love painting like this more than the conventional way of painting. But it looks like it's the most sustainable method for an amateur.
I'm still looking at my options with ceramics here in HK -- a studio could be a good idea.