- IQ Test
Ya ya, I took another IQ test this morning, after the one called Mensa Workout that I've taken last night at the Mensa website... I only scored 22/30, I think 2 of those that I didn't get was because my English is not good enough... eeeeeee!!
Well, looking at the Score Guide from the one I've taken this morning, I have an IQ or 141... And then I was told that I have to add some 5 - 10% on top of my score because English is not my native language (I wonder if there's anything in Chinese out there...). That would make me... erm... a genius then!!! WAAAA~~~ I could be in the same category as Einstein!!
I'd never thought that I could possibly be a genius!! But, they say, IQ is less important than EQ these days. I think that's just about right, coz being a woman, I usually don't make use of my IQ when I shop, eat, fall in love, drink... etc. etc. and my EQ must be somewhere on another planet when I get angry... I think some of my friends, who know me well enough can tell.
Conclusion, although I have an IQ of a genius, because I don't really have very high EQ, that makes me... errr.... just A NORMAL PERSON!! But I'm going to tell my mom and dad about my IQ anyway, just to make them proud -- having a daughter with an IQ of almost a genius could make them quite happy hahaha!!
Challenged Brian Goode aka Brain Good (my x-boss in the RCT) to it because he's one of the smartest person I've ever known... After the test, he said, "... not sure what happened, only 156." @___@