Last Thursday 28/03/2008 (I only have time to blog it now), we went to's
Happy Hours (which is "simultaneously" held on the last Thursday of every month in more than ten cities around the world, providing international networking opportunities and global guanxi for members) in
McSorley's, in
The Venetian with Kenneth Terry, Eddie and Jane. As usual, the Guinness was good but because I've had too much to drink the night before, I only had one. It was a good place for friends get-together tho.
At about 20:15, Derek showed up and we've decided to go to the Lion's Bar in
MGM (the link is for you to identify this place when you come visit Macau... read on and you'll see what I mean) but before me and Adrian got into Kenneth's car, Kenneth said he wanted to get something from his office and left us in the carpark for about 5 minutes. That was when we had a disagreement. It stopped when Kenneth returned to the car but I was still upset. It was about an accusation that Adrian made against one of my friends, which I was dead sure that Adrian was incorrect. I had to defend my friend.
Anyway, we arrived at the Lion's Bar and we made up before we even sat down but I needed more time to wait it out. When I finally calmed down, Adrian had decided he wanted to give us a kiss, but not in front of the friends - they'll tease us for sure! And so he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the bar and kissed right by the side entrance of the bar. (note: surrounding the Lion's Bar, is the casino - all 3 sides) Just as we started our kiss, a couple of security guards came at us and "told" us not to kiss there because it was the casino and that we had to get back to the bar!! hmm... that wasn't so nice! I understand that we're in Asia, which looks like a more conservative region but there was not a single sign that says, "no kissing"! Coming from a Muslim country, Malaysia, which is supposed to be very conservative, I couldn't figure it out, what do you think a gwailo like Adrian would think? I know that
minors are not allowed in the casinos of Macau, and so are government servants, but no kissing is just unacceptable. And they had to send 2 impolite security guards to humiliate us???? Ya, right, we were just gonna provoke all the gamblers, who only had interest in what was happening at the gaming tables, by kissing at the side entrance of the bar!!! Can anyone please tell me if kissing is not allowed in casinos in Macau? And that it is prohibited???
I have decided to try kissing in all the other casinos in Macau and see how many casinos will send impolite security guards to tell us off... hehehehe
But I have to say that the band was pretty good. Just try to remember you can only kiss outside the casino! O ya, I saw
Mark A. Brown in the same bar that night, enjoying the night... I wonder if he has ever been told off because he was kissing his missus in some casino... hmm...